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Alexandria Black

SAHM Member
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Alexandria Black last won the day on April 22

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About Alexandria Black

  • Birthday 02/15/1992

SAHM Member

  • Skill Set
    Customer Service, Automotive Customer Service, Inventory management, phone and computer skills.
  • Contact Information
    alexblack0705@yahoo.com 316-832-8681
  • Education
    Associate’s degree in progress
  • Region
    Haysville, Kansas

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  1. Hello!

    I’m a 32 year old SAHM since April of 2021 after giving birth to my youngest child. I have 11 years of customer service experience in retail and 3 years of customer service experience in an automotive setting. I also have 5 years of inventory management experience. I am proficient in computer and phone systems. I am hard working, self starting and enjoy helping others problem solve to find the best solution for their needs. I’m responsible and like to work in a quick yet efficient manner. 

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