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  • Version 2.0.0 - Biggest update since launch

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    We are incredibly excited to be officially launching version 2.0.0 of the Modern Day SAHM Platform! 

    For companies, please make sure to review sections 3 and 4 below.

    This is, by far, the largest update to the platform since it launched back in April of this year. There are a variety of new features that have been added to the platform that allows you to truly find something that best suits your needs as a mom.

    We made a promise to all of you that what you had with version 1.0.0 was only the beginning and we meant it! At Modern Day SAHM, we are passionate about meeting the needs of SAHMs and making this an option that is available and sustainable for any mom out there. Even with this huge addition to the platform, we are not stopping here! We are already hard at work defining and scoping out the next updates that we want to do.

    Also, for anyone that would like to know, we are and will continue to stick to our word for the SAHM membership pricing. Everything listed below will be included in the current $5.99/month subscription and is available to all SAHMs currently on the platform starting today!

    With all that said, let's get into all the new features and improvements that you have available.

    1.0. New SAHM Services feature and a Service Board

    We know that employment can be daunting to commit to for many of you all, given the sometimes chaotic and unpredictable lifestyle that comes with being a SAHM. To help address this, we are launching a new feature called SAHM Services. This will allow any SAHM on the Modern Day SAHM Platform to post services to offer to other SAHMs or even companies!

    A service can be anything that you feel could be valuable to others and that you would be able to do. There is also no limit to the number of services that you can post. Are you musically inclined? If so, then you can post services for virtual singing lessons, piano lessons, and guitar lessons. Each one can be their own service with their own unique cost/rate that you feel is appropriate and fits your needs.


    Also, you get to set in the posting how your service works. The hours, quantity, method, and any other details are entirely up to you, so that you can ensure the service is something that works with your lifestyle. Those that are interested are welcome to negotiate with you, but the terms are ultimately up to you. This way you are able to still bring in financial support for your family while not feeling like you have to commit to employment or grind through years of network marketing.

    Want to know the best part? This is ALL included in your $5.99 subscription, no matter how many services you choose to offer or how much they cost. Many other sites geared towards this will take percentages based on how much money you make, but we believe in only charging the minimum amount for us to sustainably do this for you all, regardless of whether you make $50 in a month or $5,000. Our costs for the Modern Day SAHM Platform don’t go up just because you are more valuable, so why should our fee go up? This is the same reason we only charge $5.99/month instead of taking a percentage of your income like many other job platforms do 😉.

    For a service posting, you are able to provide a variety of information about the service you are offering to really help it shine. This can include a description that can be as long as you want it to be, images, videos, links to YouTube videos you have created, a link to your website, and more. Other members will also be able to leave comments and reviews on your service to help you learn how you are doing and to also help those amazing services really stand out.

    With this new feature, there is also an entirely new area on the platform called the Service Board. This is where any services you post will appear for other members to view and respond to. You can remove your services any time that you want to, even if it is just temporarily hiding them while you are on vacation. Similar to the Job Board that many of you are familiar with, you can sort and filter the Service Board to find particular services based on set categories. By default, the highest rated services will be at the top of the Service Board. The search function on the platform will also pull up services that match the criteria as well now.


    Services will also appear under the new Services tab on your profile page. You can also view any services offered by a member when you are viewing their profile as well. This way if you have a member that you loved working with for a previous service, then you can go to their profile page to see other services they might offer.


    Lastly, companies can also use the Service Board to find help with things they need without having to go through post a job. We understand that many companies need help with all kinds of different tasks, but might now be able to have a full role that they can post a job for. This could be due to the need being a one-off thing or something that is new that they aren’t sure of the frequency for yet. There are a lot of reasons to prefer this option over opening a job opportunity. As a company, you can now search the Service Board for what you need and reach out to a member if their service appears to fit well with that need.

    This also helps SAHMs not feel obligated to monitor the Job Board all the time to know if a job opportunity appears fitting their specific needs. Instead, they can now post a service on the platform to easily let companies see what type of work they are open to doing/offering.

    Note: For companies wanting to utilize this feature, please see section 4.0 further down in the document.

    2.0. New Tutorials page

    Are you feeling like this is a lot to try to figure out? Don’t worry! We have also launched the new Tutorials page that contains various how-to guides about the various features and things you can do throughout the Modern Day SAHM Platform.


    These guides will cover everything from how to set up your profile to how you can apply to job opportunities and more. To start with, there will be a handful of tutorials available, but stay tuned over the following days. There will be tutorials added frequently throughout the next few days to cover all the existing features on the platform. The page will be updated as new functionality and improvements are launched.

    Tutorials can contain a ton of information, including images and even videos walking you through how to do what is being discussed in the guide. Not all tutorials will have videos and some will come later, after the written guide has been released.


    You can also leave comments on a tutorial with any questions or feedback that you have, and you are also able to review tutorials to help us know whether or not they were useful for you. We highly value your all’s feedback and it is important that we make sure these are truly valuable for you and easy to follow along with. So, please feel free to ask questions, leave reviews, or reach out to us directly in regards to any of our tutorials. This allows us to address any gaps or confusing content that could be causing difficulties for other members as well.

    Do you not see a tutorial that you would like to have? Let us know so that we can make sure it gets created and published to the platform.

    3.0. Job Board updates

    We have also included a variety of different updates to the Job Board within this release. Here is a rundown of everything that got updated:

    3.1. New category icons

    Some updates are small, but can still be nice improvements to the experience. The categories listed on the Job Board now have their own unique icons that relate to the given area. These will appear to the left of the category name.

    3.2. Notifications for applicants

    We know first hand how nerve-racking it can be after submitting your application to a job opportunity and having to sit and wait to hear back. Due to this being an often tedious process for companies, it is far too common that you don’t hear anything back at all if you are not chosen. This leaves you worried and anxious far longer than you need to be when the decision was likely made much earlier in the process.

    To help address this, we have made it to where companies now are able to notify the applicant they are reviewing automatically within the platform. For companies, each applicant will have the “Schedule Interview”, “Hire Applicant”, and “Do Not Hire Applicant” options listed. Clicking on one of them will cause a window to open where you can enter the reason for the decision. This reason will be included in the notification that is sent to the applicant and allows you to customize the information relative to that particular applicant.


    This can help to congratulate applicants you are hiring, ask questions about availability for an interview, or provide reasons for not hiring an applicant to help them improve with future job opportunities that they apply for. In addition, this also helps provide rapid feedback to applicants, so that they can know whether or not to pursue other opportunities or not.


    Once done, this will send a notification to the applicant based on their notification settings within the platform. This could be via email, in-app alert, or both.

    4.0 New Premium Company Membership tier

    With all of these new additions, we have created a new membership tier for companies called the Premium Company Membership. This is $20/month and includes access to the new Service Board, our Content Library, and priority support from the Modern Day SAHM team.


    The original Company Member subscription will remain unchanged. It is still free and includes access to the Job Board and unlimited job postings.

    5.0 Following topics

    We have also added the ability to follow different topics to the platform, so that you can be notified when any content is added for a subject you are interested in. You won’t have to check the site just to know if there is something of interest that has been added, just select the topic you want to be notified about. You are also able to select the type of content you want this to include; such as events, job opportunities, and more.


    To access this page, simply click on your profile picture and name in the top, right corner of the navigation bar and select the “Managed Followed Tags” option.



    We are incredibly excited to be releasing version 2.0.0 of the platform and to be able to provide you all with all these amazing new features. As we continue to work on future updates to the platform, we hope that these additions truly help you all and prove to be useful in making the SAHM life easier.

    Please feel free to reach out to us on the Contact Us page, over Facebook, or via email at moderndaysahm@gmail.com. We are passionate about our mission to make the SAHM lifestyle sustainable and easier, so we appreciate any feedback on how we can improve as we continue on this journey with each of you.

    Thank you,

    Modern Day SAHM Team 💜

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