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About this blog

Freedom through efficiency! What is LifeOps (aka Life Operations)? This is a term I came up with to represent the many processes, systems, and general stuff we all have to do over and over again on this journey of life. We often think of businesses when we hear the word "operations" but, when you really think about it, you are your own business. The business of YOU! You have to handle inventory management at your home, supply chain management for food and other necessities, human resources for any of you parents out there, sales when you are applying to something, marketing/branding when you are adding your flare/personality to things, finance when you are budgeting, and the list goes on! You and a business have more in common than you think. You are the CEO of You Incorporated.

I am here to help you learn ways to optimize the operations of You Inc. so that you can have more freedom to focus on what truly matters. This isn't about toxic productivity and trying to do everything. It is about making the things you have to do more efficient and less time consuming, so that you can spend time doing what brings you joy and value in your life, whether that is time with family, hanging out with friends, working on a side hustle, learning a new skill, or anything else.

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Entries in this blog

I am really busy...why read this? - LifeOps Issue #1

I know I know...another blog, newsletter, article, or whatever else we are calling them now. If you are anything like me when you see something like this, then you have become completely numb to the onslaught of content trying to get your attention in today's world. It can often feel like you are an animal at a zoo and the screen on your device is the large pane of glass with a toddler on the other side furiously trying to get you to look this way.....but seriously look over here for a minute! 😅
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